Hi! I am Yatin

  • Building Solutions in Tech
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About Me

I like to develop applications using required technologies, learning stuff on the go. Passionate about learning new things. Regularly indulging to increase my knowledge.

Apart from that an Avid Reader, Gamer, Sports Enthusiast, Cosmos Admirer, and much more!

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Yatin's Bookshelf »

Good Vibes, Good Life: How Self-Love Is the Key to Unlocking Your Greatness
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
How to Win Friends and Influence People
Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind
Man's Search for Meaning
The Theory of Everything: The Origin and Fate of the Universe
The Palace of Illusions
To Kill a Mockingbird
Think and Grow Rich
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life

Yatin Gupta's favorite books »

“The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.”


Delhi Technological University

I explored several subjects and technologies at DTU like Android, Web development and Machine Learning. I was also involved in research projects. My time at the university showed me that I have a lot of learning to do but it gave me a strong base from which I was able to effectively start my professional journey.
CGPA : 8.92/10

  • Opinion Mining to aid User Acceptance Testing for Open Beta Versions. Link
  • Experimental Comparison & Scientometric Inspection of Research for Word Embeddings. Link
June 2019 - July 2019
Business Technology Analyst at Deloitte

Being a business technology analyst intern at Deloitte, I was designated to study the client application, find bugs, document the entire application, make changes on the go like altering navigation flows, making forms/reports, business rules and help in performing the entirety of data management tasks. Apart from this, I worked with batch files to automate some of the tasks, used visual basic to create forms, and also created a reminder system using Python as a firm initiative.

June 2020 - December 2020
Software Engineer Intern at HyperVerge

During my internship, I was part of the team handling identity check systems which includes 10+ products where I used to add features, debug and help in deployments. Moreover, I independently took initiatives to increase productivity in the organization like generating quick meet links, slack bots, etc. Technologies used: NodeJS, C++, Python, React, Postgres, Docker

December 2020 - December 2021
Software Engineer at HyperVerge

I have been working as a software engineer in the Digital KYC team where I am responsible for handling identity check systems that deal with 10million+ requests per day in 10+ products. Moreover, I had complete ownership of one product called WebSDK which has scaled to 4+ countries. I am now also architecting new products. Technologies used: NodeJS, C++, Python, React, Postgres, Elasticsearch, AWS, Docker, Nginx, Grafana, Opsgenie

January 2022 - June 2022
Software Engineer 2 at HyperVerge

  1. Designed & Architected various products and features
  2. Actively worked on 10+ products spanning geographies, did code reviews for 5-6 team members
  3. Created Onboarding Portal, an event driven system integrating with 10+ products seamlessly
  4. Different services like vendor, authentication & authorization mechanism, webhook services
  5. Various features like s3 data replication, variable data retention
  6. A full fledged portal with React+Redux for frontend and SQS, Lambda, Postgres, NodeJS Service for backend

August 2022 - Present
Texas A&M University

Masters of Computer Science - GPA: 4.0

Teaching Assistant for the course "The Bitcoin Protocol" dealing with granular technical details of the protocol - Forbes

If you don't have goals, then why are you waking up everyday? 


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Letter of recommendation: Co-Founder and Head of Engineering at HyperVerge
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Certified AWS Solutions Architect Associate
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Spot Award

Awarded Spot Award for efforts in building the HyperSnap WebSDK at HyperVerge

Paper Presentation

Presented paper titled “Opinion Mining to Aid User Acceptance Testing for Open Beta Versions” at the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications 2020

Indexed by ISI Proceedings, Ulrich's, EI-Compendex, SCOPUS, Zentralblatt Math, MetaPress, Springerlink etc and published in Springer Series

Presentation PPT
Paper Presentation

Presented paper titled “Experimental Comparison & Scientometric Inspection of Research for Word Embeddings" at at the International Conference on Computing Informatics & Networks-2020

Indexed by ISI Proceedings, SCOPUS, Google Scholar, Springerlink etc and published in Springer Series

Presentation PPT


Working with technologies everyday, in hope to create something meaningful.

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Real Time Chat Application

A Real Time chat application between two users talking over the internet. Demonstrates real time chat capabilities like sending/editing/deleting a message, online/offline/typing status sent and seen time stamps on message.

Also shows horizontal scalability, one user connects to server @5000 port and other user connects to @5001 port.

Made using MongoDB, Express, React, NodeJs, Redis, Nginx, Ngrok.

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Reddit Flare Detector

Takes a link of reddit post as input and predicts a flare for reddit post.

Analyzed over 400,000+ posts of r/india and it successfully predicts 11 flares

Flare detector : Link

Github : Link [With full research log about ML models used and different exploratory data techniques used]

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Whatsapp Chat Analyzer

A small project mapping a timeline of the number of messages per person in a WhatsApp group. 2 graphs showing the rank of each member and a comparison graph with respect to messages sent.

Timeline considered: 2 Years
Number of messages analyzed: 35000+
Members taken into consideration : 9

Data Processing: Python, Excel
Data Visualization : Flourish Studio

Visualization : Link , Github : Link

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Opining Mining using Twitter

Parses tweets based on a given hashtag or username and gives its sentimental values that are
happiness, anger, sadness, fear, and disgust.

Research Project 

Github : Link [Presented at ICAIA 2020, Published in Springer series]

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Query Expansion

Creating a wordnet graph with fuzzy edges to include more relevant terms to a user's query

Research Project 

Github : Link [Publication in Review ]

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Booking System

A complete booking system made for my father's dry cleaning shop. Various features of report generation, billing system etc. Made with the intention of ease of use.

Made with : Django, Bootstrap, CSS, HTML

Github : Link

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Break Taking Popup

Made using Python ( Pyglet ) which can be scheduled in intervals of time that shows animation depending on type of break needed. Was made to improve the health of employees.

Github : Link

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Comparison of word embeddings

Different word embeddings models were compared based on the deviation of similarity score between words given by the models and the manual score already assigned by different experts

Research Project 

Github : Link [Publication in Review ]

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Article Recommendation System

Recommending relevant articles using user’s previous interactions with Recall@10 = 60% using hybrid model(Content based and collaborative filtering)

Github : Link

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Web Projects

A collection of all the web development projects made which are not included above.


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Android Projects

A collection of all the android applications I made.
